
mrebollo Miguel Rebollo DSIC UPV

For a couple of years, I have been reorganizing my classes. Currently, I am assigned to the School of Informatics. I have all my teaching experience in the Industrial Informatics and Robotics Degree program. I am the professor responsible for the subjects listed below.

You can access the subjects I teach in the 2023-24 course from this section.

Industrial Informatics and Robotics Degree

23-24AIntroduction to Programming
23-24AAdvanced Programming
24-25BIntelligent Agents

Postgraduate (PhD.)


If you have any questions, you can find me in my office: 2D31, on the second floor of the DSIC building, 1F in the UPV maps. Contact me by email (mrebollo (at) upv.es) to make an appointment.


To be a good teacher, having a reflective attitude and analyzing teaching practices systematically based on evidence is essential. All this is framed within the SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning), which provides guidelines for the professionalization of the teaching function.

In order to achieve deep and persistent learning over time, it is necessary to promote self-regulation, make students aware of their own learning processes, and promote high-impact practices (HIP) at the university. 

As a professor, one issue that concerns me is using new technologies to improve teaching. I have given courses and workshops for teacher training on their application.

During the 99-00 academic year, I participated in the initial teacher training program (FIPPU) organized by the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE). The topics that most interest me in this field are the following:

In the 02-03 and 03-04 academic years, I took the master’s degree in Open and Distance Teaching and Learning from the UNED. My master’s thesis was about the SCORM standard for EaD (PDF).

Currently, I coordinate an educational innovation team related to using science fiction to work on sustainable development goals.